Data dictionary

Rows in bold contain definitions for columns that are included in the abridged search. To search for the non-bold data fields, uncheck the checkbox labeled "Show only abridged data in results" on the search form.

Column name Meaning Definition
EntryNum Entry number Counter for each distinct event
Standesbuch Standesbuch Year range covered by the specific record book
Bild Image number Image number within the specific record book as arranged in the Baden-Württemberg online digitized archives
Year Year Year of event
Date Date Month and day of event, formatted mmm-dd
Time Time Time of event (24-hour clock)
Event Event Type of event
Sex Sex Biological sex of the named individual
PrimaryInd Primary indicator Indicates if the named individual is the individual whose event is being recorded
SecondaryInd Secondary indicator Indicates if the individual is named as a direct relative of the primary individual
WitnessInd Witness indicator Indicates if the named individual is listed as a witness to the event
Relationship Relationship Relationship of the named individual to the primary individual
FirstNameNorm First name normalized An arbitrarily chosen spelling used for every mention of a unique individual's given name regardless of the spelling on the specific document
FirstNameCert First name certainty One letter code indicating the indexer's subjective certainty that the given name I have entered is the name recorded to account for legibility, defined in Appendix
LastNameNorm Last name normalized An arbitrarily chosen spelling used for every mention of a unique individual's surname regardless of the spelling on the specific document
LastNameCert Last name certainty One letter code indicating the indexer's subjective certainty that the surname I have entered is the name recorded to account for legibility, defined in Appendix
TownOfOrigin Town of origin The town where the individual either was born or resides depending on known information
TownCert Town certainty One letter code indicating the indexer's subjective certainty that the town I have entered is the town recorded to account for legibility, defined in Appendix
Age Age Age of the named individual if explicitly mentioned
JungAltInd Jung-Alt indicator Indicates if the name is followed by "jung" (J) or "alt" (A) to differentiate between two living people with the same name
IllegitInd Illegitimate indicator Indicates if the birth is recorded as illegitimate
Status Status Terms quoted within the event entry denoting the individual's marital or citizenship status
Occupation Occupation Terms quoted within the event entry denoting the individual's occupation
Notes Notes Interesting excerpts quoted from the record entry regarding the individual, comments about noteworthy aspects of the record, or facts about the individual determined from outside sources
PersonID Person ID A unique indentifier for each named individual created by the formula defined in the Appendix
BirthXRef Birth cross reference A cross reference to the individual's birth record if found within the Ihringen record books
MarriageXRef Marriage cross reference A cross reference to the individual's marriage record if found within the Ihringen record books
DeathXRef Death cross reference A cross reference to the individual's death record if found within the Ihringen record books
OtherXRef Other cross reference A cross reference to some secondary records involving the individual found within the Ihringen record books
OtherXRefEvent Other cross reference event An explanation of the Other cross reference event type and secondary relationship
NonJewInd Non-Jew indicator Indicates if the named individual is certainly not Jewish
DeadInd Dead indicator Indicates if the named individual is certainly already dead at the time of the event entry
FirstNameXct First name exact The exact spelling of the named individual's given name on the specific document to the extent that it is legible
LastNameXct Last name exact The exact spelling of the named individual's surname on the specific document to the extent that it is legible
MistakenNameInd Mistaken name indicator Indicates that the name on the record is not merely an alternative name for the individual but a misunderstanding
Permalink Permalink Link to the digitized record in the Baden-Württemberg online archives


I. Certainty values

II. Non-standard names

III. PersonID composition

To ensure unique PersonID identifiers for each individual, the PersonID is composed based on the entry and the location within that entry where the individual is first mentioned.

Therefore, we know from Lazarus Wilmersdorf's PersonID 1401732 that his first mention occurs in the 1st Standesbuch (1811-1820), during the 4th year of that Standesbuch (that is, 1814), Entry 17. He is a witness on that record, and the 2nd witness mentioned.

Standesbuch numbers are as follows:

IV. Notes on Notes

A common note, especially in earlier records, that might be hard to parse is "-in suffix." This comment marks where a woman's surname has appended to it the German feminization suffix "-in", which functions similarly to English "-ess." Often this version of the name is only written in the margin (the record margin often contains the family name of the primary person involved in the event; see the About page for an example that uses the record margin this way).

Another common note, and one that only appears on witness data, is "ID guess." In these cases, it was impossible to determine from the witness data which specific person among multiple contemporaries with the same name was intended.

Some notes include links to other vital records recorded in other towns' Standesbücher or to grave sites in other town's cemeteries. These links are by no means exhaustive. Generally they have only been provided when they have coincidentally popped up in the course of other research, when they have been necessary to prove an individual's identity, or when wedding records list an exact birth date and location. The number of these links should expand in time as further coincidences occur.